Lt. Col. Grossman is  a director of Warrior Science Group, owner of, member of American Board for Certification in Homeland Security and a member of American College of Forensic Examiners. Lt. Col. Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier and speaker who is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime.

Col. Grossman is a former West Point psychology professor, Professor of Military Science, and an Army Ranger who has combined his experiences to become the founder of a new field of scientific endeavor, which has been termed “killology.” In this new field Col. Grossman has made revolutionary new contributions to our understanding of killing in war, the psychological costs of war, the root causes of the current “virus” of violent crime that is raging around the world, and the process of healing the victims of violence, in war and peace.

​He is the author of On Killing, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize; has been translated into Japanese, Korean, and German; is on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant’s required reading list; and is required reading at the FBI academy and numerous other academies and colleges. Col. Grossman co-authored Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence, which has been translated into Norwegian and German, and has received international acclaim.

Col. Grossman’s most recent book, On Combat, has also placed on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant’s Required Reading List and has been translated into Japanese and Korean.
Col. Grossman has been called upon to write the entry on “Aggression and Violence” in the Oxford Companion to American Military History, three entries in the Academic Press Encyclopedia of Violence and numerous entries in scholarly journals, to include the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

He has presented papers before the national conventions of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

He has presented to over 100 different colleges and universities worldwide, and has trained educators and law enforcement professionals, in the field of school safety, at the state and regional level, in all 50 states and over a dozen foreign nations.

He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school massacre, and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton, Virginia Tech, and Nickel Mines Amish school massacres.He has been an expert witness and consultant in state and Federal courts, to include serving on the prosecution team in UNITED STATES vs. TIMOTHY MCVEIGH.

He has testified before U.S. Senate and Congressional committees and numerous state legislatures, and he and his research have been cited in a national address by the President of the United States.

Col. Grossman is an Airborne Ranger infantry officer, and a prior-service sergeant and paratrooper, with a total of over 23 years experience in leading U.S. soldiers worldwide. He retired from the Army in February 1998 and has devoted himself to teaching, writing, speaking, and research. Today he is the director of the Killology Research Group, and in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks he is on the road almost 300 days a year, training elite military and law enforcement organizations as well as civilian seminar attendees worldwide about the reality of armed aggression. To book Lt. Col. Dave Grossman for one of his specific topics, email

Adam Davis is an author, motivational speaker and former law enforcement office. His story is one that reveals pain many hide, and addresses the topics many avoid. Adam shares his experiences of sexual assault, substance abuse, mental illness, and law enforcement.

Adam is the author of Behind the Badge: 365 Daily Devotions for Law EnforcementBulletproof Marriage: a 90-Day Devotional, and On Spiritual Combat: 30 Missions for Victorious Warfare.

His most recent book, Bulletproof Marriage: A 90 Day Devotional is available on Amazon, and is a finalist for the 2020 Christian Book Award®.

Adam’s work has been featured on Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, The Huffington Post,, and Law Enforcement Today. As a speaker, Adam has presented for the University of Alabama, Auburn University Department of Economic Development, TEDx Troy University, law enforcement agencies, military bases, and many seminars with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Taya Kyle, and other American patriots.

His media appearances have included the 700 Club, The Glenn Beck Program, Team Never Quit Podcast with Marcus Luttrell, and many others.

Today, Adam continues to dedicate his life to helping others navigate through the challenges of marriage and overcoming adversity through continuing to author new, quality resources and speaking across the nation. You can stay up to date with Adam’s events and new releases by visiting He is proudly supported by his wife of 20 years, Amber, and three children. To book Adam for one of his specific topics, contact or 

Jimmy Meeks is a retired police officer, having served 35 years in law-enforcement. Jimmy has also been a minister for over 47 years.

As an officer, he served as a hostage negotiator, field training officer, school resource officer, detective, supervisor, and crime prevention officer. He has accumulated over 4500 hours of TCOLE training. He has also been a certified crime prevention specialist.

He was pastor of a church in the Ft. Worth area for over 11 years, while also serving as a police officer. Jimmy has a B.A. in Religion from Oklahoma Baptist University and a Certificate of Ministry from Emmaus Road Ministry School.

He has conducted over 350 safety seminars for churches since 2009, at which over 5000 churches have been represented. It has been said of his presentation, “…there has never been a stronger call to action…”

Jimmy and his wife of 43 years, Julie, were married at the First Baptist Church of Daingerfield, Texas, the sight of the June 22, 1980 massacre that killed 5 – and injured 10. Jimmy was also a production assistant in the award-winning docudrama Faith Under Fire, based on the tragedy at First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas.